Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Supervised Ministry Experience

In September, I started a Supervised Ministry Experience at Hesston Mennonite Church with Pastor John Murray. I have been meeting weekly with John to discuss Hesston Mennonite, church structure, and philosophies of ministry. It has been a very stimulating time, but always too short. Hesston Mennonite is a larger church than my home church of Chestnut Ridge Mennonite.

One requirement in choosing a church for SME is to choose one that is different than your home church experience. CRMC is a single staff rural church of about 80-90 attendees on a Sunday. It has a very close knit family feel, with a lot of multigenerational contact. I have appreciated the support and love that has been my experience there. CRMC is truly a unique and healthy church. HMC is a 4 person staff town church of about 350-400 attendees on a Sunday. It has a close knit feel if you get involved in a Sunday School class and/or small group circle. Multigenerational contact requires a bit more work on our part. HMC is a healthy mature church.

Churches all have their strengths and their issues. Hurts have happened and healing can and does take place. I am enjoying the unique place that we are in life. I am assuming that the freedoms, interactions, and experiences that we currently have will be all togethter different (but yet the same) as we move from this place to the next.

Slow poke

I apologize for not keeping up with this. It was been over a week since I have updated. I have a friend named Jeremy Patterson, who last year I gave a hard time for not keeping up his blog. He was a sophomore PM student. He is now a pastor and he keeps it up to date about once every month or two:) Okay, I am starting to understand...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weekend Wackiness

There are times when life gets a little wacky. This weekend is one of those for us. Suzanne is working this morning at the cafeteria at the college. Alyssa has a birthday party at one of the parks today for a classmate early afternoon. This evening the PM families have been invited over to a local families farm for a hayride, hotdog roast, etc. Tomorrow morning I am attending a Beachy Amish church for my class Anabaptist History and Thought. We are eating lunch with them, and then Suzanne goes back to work for the evening within 2 hours of me arriving home. Sometimes the schedule is not real pretty, but you need to make the best use of the time that you do have with each other. That is what I am going to do, see you later.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fast weeks

The weeks seem to go by quicker this semester than they did last semester.  I even have 2 less credit hours.  I had my first Bible Study with 5 guys last night.  They are all freshman except for 1.  We are studying the book of James.  I am really looking forward to this time of learning from them, and learning from God.

Last Friday it rained alot.  I believe Witchita had over 7 inches in less than 24 hours and lots of flooding.  The ditch behind our house was atleast 20 feet across and the height was to the bottom of the bridges which is about 5 feet.  Now the sun is back, wall-to-wall and a nice breeze.  We are enjoying time together as a family outside.  I heard that Ohio got a lot of wind with power outages and branches/trees down.  Hope everybody and their things are okay.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hopefully you are reading this from home today.  I wish you a speedy recovering.

(Now everybody who didn't know is going to be wondering what happened to you.  How fun!)

Slight adjustment to overwhelmed

I am not overwhelmed, but I am not underwhelmed either.  Just a slight downgrade.  I am enjoying my classes and reading.  So many concepts to ponder and consider, spiritual disciplines to practice, and discussions to have.  It is some times hard to explain when someone from Ohio asks how it is going.  Good, great, wonderful, etc.  Do you have a year to spend with us here? I could explain it much better if you experienced it.  It is made up of so many experiences and slight tweaks, and cyclical loopty-loes...

And the girls continue to grow up into new things.  They tell funny stories, do crazy things, and act profound, and surprise you when you least expect it.  Suffice it to say that we are enjoying it here.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Okay, so I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed. The last couple days especially. Can I have moment to complain? Thanks. Between 8am and 8pm, I have roughly 18 hours a week to read and write papers. Factor in 3 hours of Bible Study leadership and 4 hours of Supervised Ministry and that leaves me with 11. Informal conversations with teachers and other PM students probably accounts for a couple hours a week too. I do like to spend time with my family. Each of the girls need individual time, Suzanne needs my time, and we all as the five of us need time together too.
So this is an opportunity to learn how to balance my time and to say "No." I have said no to 2 fun things just this week, and I will have to say "not so much" to something else. This is the reality that people face when they work and minister in places that they feel called. My hat is off to those who are in ministry making these hard choices daily. God bless you!

Monday, September 1, 2008

I want to get back in the groove of writing this

Yesterday I talked with my mother-in-law, Sandy Lehman, who said that she reads our blog before she does bank stuff. I appreciated her making us a priority ahead of banking, but I also realize there is some technical reasons for it as well. We'll take the priority reason:)

She reminded me that I hadn't updated this since Monday, of last week. It's not because we haven't had anything happen, but probably because so much has happened. It has been a busy first week of classes for me, lots of reading. Suzanne is working on Mondays and Fridays, so between classes and Suzanne working (while I have the girls) I am busy from about 8am till 7pm. I really appreciate Suzanne and her loving care for me and the girls.

This week we went to a couple girls and guys soccer games here at hesston college. It is a good time to mix with the traditional and PM students. I am enjoying both types of friendships. I desire to keep a balance of family life, studying, and friendships while here at Hesston College. Why? Because that is what life and ministry are all about. They are a balance of family life, learning, ministry, friendships, and just living.