Monday, September 27, 2010

Pursuing wealth

Yesterday's sermon was a hard one for me.  And it was hard for those who heard it.  When we allow God's Word to evaluate our hearts we find:
hardness, deceit, misplaced love, wrong motives, self-righteousness, mediocrity, sin, treachery, selfishness,...  and that's just my list:(
We should do this more often.
As I was reading the following article this morning, it reminded me of the sermon and how so much of entertainment pulls our hearts to wrong desires, and to be discontent.
One of the dangers of a "wholesome" cable channel like HGTV, is that it's really just one big commercial all day long.  A constant diet of home improvements, house hunters, redecorating, etc. breeds discontent with what we have; it calls us to finer living, when our hearts should be called to "pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness"  (see 1 Timothy 6:11)

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