Monday, February 1, 2010

Girls are growing up

It is amazing to watch the girls grow up.  Let me be honest and say that they are far from being perfect, and there are times that we parents are sorry for our responses to their imperfect actions and attitudes.  But I am also so proud of them.  They are a joy to spend time with.  They have some wacky senses of comedic timing.  They say some profound things sometimes.  They behave well when we are busy talking with other adults.  They have a zest for life, music, dancing, imagination, family interaction, animals, and friends.
God bless their little lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shawn, cherish these times, life goes by fast ! Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the best feelings in the world. Never say no to a gift from a child. Family and friends are chocolate chips in the cookie of life. A Dad's love is precious, but a Mother's love is like a circle - it has no beginning and no ending. :)