Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Prayer for Profound and Perpetual Peace

This prayer was written and prayed by Lancelot Andrews who lived from 1555-1626. A valuable antique that is very usable today. I encourage you to read through this prayerfully, allowing the Holy Spirit to move and shape your heart. And whatever God impresses on you, take it with you through the day.

O Lord, King of all nations, strengthen all the states and the leaders of the inhabited world who have been given authority from you. Scatter all the people who delight in war. Make all war cease unto the ends of the earth.
And remember especially our divinely guarded king, and work with him more and more. Prosper his ways in all things; speak good things to his heart for your Church and your people. Grant to him profound and perpetual peace, that in his tranquility we, too, may lead a quiet and peaceable life.
Grant unto farmers good seasons. Grant unto the fishermen good weather. Grant unto the tradesmen a desire not to compete with one another. Grant unto all merchants to pursue their business with lawful integrity.
O Lord, you have called us to overcome evil with good and to pray for your enemies. I ask, Lord, that you have pity on my enemies, just as you have pity on me. Lead them, together with me, into your kingdom.

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