Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday of Holy Week

John 13:1-35
Maundy Thursday - Commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples.
Jesus was eating a Jewish passover meal. A celebration of remembrance of what God had done in redeeming the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. And I believe it was also a fervent call for God to act again on their behalf, and redeem the people to freedom from the Romans.
And Jesus surprises them all by washing their feet! Everybody present is thrown off by this. They don't know what to do! It is recorded that Peter objects, but everybody else is silent.
How do we wash each others feet today? Some are uncomfortable with feet. Is hospitality equivalent to washing feet? And what is hospitality? It can be:
-talking to your neighbor
-borrowing things, and lending things out
-hosting a block party, or attending a barbecue
-sitting on the porch (yours or theirs)
-having a meal together
-giving or receiving a ride
This stuff can be messy, like feet...

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