Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First Sermon in Preaching Class

Pray without ceasing. I preach somewhere between 3:30 and 6pm on Tuesday.

I have some audio clips of the girls that I will post after things slow down a little bit here. Maybe on Wednesday.

My first sermon went well, with plenty of room left for improvement. We were to preach a narrative sermon. That means to tell the story of the text, and try to surprise the congregation with something or to reveal the message of the sermon after you have them fully engaged in the story. I need to be a little bit more lively and get away from my manuscript more.

1 comment:

Zook Family said...

Glad to hear that it went well. I imagine it would be hard to "surprise" the listener when you are preaching to a "Preaching Class!"

I can relate to your need to get away from the manuscript. When I'm speaking publicly, it is easy to be tethered to the paper.