Monday, May 18, 2009

More Ready Than You Realize

I finished my first book of the summer in one week.  It is a book by Brian McLaren.  The gist of this book is that we need to be "Spiritual friends" to or with people.  It is written from a predominantly post-modern perspective, which is helpful in better understanding many people alive today.
Here are a couple ideas that caught my attention:
-How can our churches become safer places for seekers to seek, and still remain safe places for those who have found a life-giving connection with God to grow in their faith?
-Engaging in spiritual friendship will not only help others become Christians, it will help us become better Christians, who love God more than ever.
-Goal - Helping people take the next step.
This last concept really struck me as a part of my role as a pastor.  It isn't just about getting people to make a commitment or getting them to get involved in church work.  A goal is growth; going deeper with God.  No matter where someone is at the goal is a closer relationship with God than they currently have.
Tough job, but God will be doing the work.

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