Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New secret to making it financially


Really that's it. Spend less than you make invest and give away the rest:) One thing that Suzanne and I decided even before we got married was to spend much less than we made, so that we could give consistently and not worry about money. We are tempted often to spend what we make, but continue to remind ourselves and each other of our goals. So we give up some things so we can enjoy other things. And we write it down. That's a budget or spending plan. Without it how do we know when we are overspending? How do we know if we are putting enough aside to cover a new used car, or a trip, or those bills that come due yearly?
An early great example: During our first year of marriage, we lived on my meager teaching salary, and saved half her income and paid off her college debt with the other half. When Alyssa was born, we were debt free, we had 10% saved for a down payment on a house, and Suzanne quit her job to stay at home.
An early bad example: A couple years later we bought a house that extended us very tightly (stressful), then did 12 months same as cash to waterproof the basement (more stressful). We learned from both of these mistakes. We plan to have 20%+ down payment for our next (whenever) house, while we contentedly enjoy renting. Wait to spend money till it is in the bank. Continue to live without "necessities" like cable tv. Become content with less and teach our children the power of enough. And trust God (not our savings and wise money usage). It could be all gone tomorrow, or God could tell us to give it all away. What's left then? God!

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